Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Ruby on Rails from Business Point of View how Ideal Framework It Is.

Any company that is looking into a web application or web development may have heard of ruby on rails framework or ruby on rails development, or maybe have looked at companies offering ruby on rails web development services. To explain further this blog is divided into 3 parts : 
  1. What is Ruby on Rails? 
  2. Why do businesses opt for Ruby on rails web development? 
  3. How ruby on rails development can benefit your business

What is Ruby on Rails : 
Ruby on Rails is web application development that uses ruby programming language and is based on the Rails framework. Ruby is object-oriented which makes it easy to approach any given problem and design a solution around it. And rails the framework itself written in ruby. It provides a set preset convention that developers can use for developing applications. Also aiding to this development is the library of gems. 

Why do businesses opt for ruby on rails web development? 
A major reason why Ruby on rails development is opted by businesses is because of the updates that are made to the framework. All these updates are made keeping in mind the current market requirements. Ruby on rails development also facilitates API only app development, which allows building a fast and lightweight website with multiple pages. Recent versions of ruby also support building sockets, cloud uploads and much more. All these changes were bought in the framework by creators who keep an eye out on the current market trends. This makes sure the framework and ruby on rails development are aligned to what exactly the market needs. Not to mention Ruby on Rails framework also enjoys regular security updates as well. All in all for business, Ruby on rails is a market updated, secure, and robust framework. 

How ruby on rails development can benefit your business? 

  1. Rapid prototyping/ Building MVP: Ruby on rails development allows rapid prototyping of the web application to showcase the logic. Based on which you can build further and keep making changes. This is a possible due library of gems the Ruby on rails offer for development of the same. This makes it an excellent choice for building a minimum viable product for the market as well. 
  2. Build high quality of products: Coding in ruby goes hand in hand with reliability. Ruby on Rails development follows the TDD (Test-driven Development) approach that essentially involves development through constant testing. To check whether the designed solution meets the particular task or goal BDD (Behaviour driven development) approach is also used along with TDD. This overall ensures the delivered solution is high-quality and meets all the business requirements. 
  3. Scalability: As your business grows, so does the demand grow as well for application. Keeping this in view Ruby on rails web development allows you to scale and be flexible for high loads. Shopify an eCommerce platform is completely powered by RoR handles millions of requests in one go without breaking a sweat. This factors ensures that your application is future ready! 
This is how Ruby on rails development can prove to be beneficial for web application development for business. Looking at these W3villa technologies is one the leading ruby on rails development company based in La Mesa, CA offers a range of ruby on rails development services. Our team has credible experience in implementing the solution in all facets of the industry and offer best in class ruby on rails web development services for you to choose from.

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